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What Makes Hurricane Beryl So Unusual

On storm forecasts, Biden polling, and data centers in space

What Makes Hurricane Beryl So Unusual
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Current conditions: Intense storms in Europe killed at least seven people over the weekend • Nine inches of rain fell in 24 hours in Delhi, causing deadly flooding just days after blistering high temperatures • California will have “record-challenging heat” for the 4th of July.


1. Potentially catastrophic Hurricane Beryl heads for small Caribbean islands

The first hurricane of the season, Hurricane Beryl, has started lashing the southeastern islands of the Caribbean today as a category 3 storm. Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadine Islands, Grenada, and Tobago – islands that don’t normally endure storms of this magnitude – are all under hurricane warnings and bracing for catastrophic damage. The storm is forecast to push toward Jamaica before weakening slightly mid-week and then heading toward Mexico. The system strengthened from a tropical depression to a hurricane in less than 48 hours, which is unusually fast. It was at one point registering as a category 4 storm (and could do so again), the earliest ever recorded in the Atlantic, marking an ominous start to what is expected to be a very intense hurricane season. “Incredible doesn't cut it,” wrote meteorologist Jim Cantore. “This truly is something else of a hurricane.”


Meanwhile, another tropical storm, named Chris, formed in the Gulf of Mexico. Chris is the third named storm of the Atlantic season, and is also way ahead of schedule: “On average, the 3rd Atlantic named storm forms on August 3rd,” said Philip Klotzbach, a meteorologist with Colorado State University.

2. SCOTUS strikes down Chevron, curtailing agencies’ authority

In case you (somehow) missed it: On Friday, the Supreme Court struck down a 40-year-old precedent that deferred to agencies’ interpretations of their own mandates where the statutory guidance was incomplete or ambiguous, otherwise known as Chevron deference. The ruling could kneecap federal agencies in their ability to regulate everything from air and water quality to cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence. “The impact will be enormous,” Jennifer Jones, director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, toldBloomberg. “By paralyzing federal agencies and inviting lawsuits against the rules these agencies implement, this decision will profoundly undermine bedrock laws like the Clean Air Act that are meant to protect public health.”

3. Climate group calls for Biden to step aside

After a pretty dismal performance at last week’s debate, President Biden has been trying to reassure donors and voters that he remains the best person to run on the Democratic ticket in the 2024 presidential election. According toThe New York Times, his campaign has a call scheduled for today with its national finance committee to “calm nerves and take temperatures.” At least one prominent climate group, Climate Defiance, is urging Biden to step aside for the sake of the climate, E&E Newsreported. “Defeating Trump and Trumpism is existentially important for our climate and our democracy,” the group’s founder and executive director, Michael Greenberg, said Friday. “President Biden is not up for the job.” Biden’s family is reportedly urging him to stay in the race. All eyes will be on any post-debate polls that come out this week. One new CBS News/YouGov poll shows sentiment is growing among Democratic voters for Biden to step aside.

4. Walmart Canada gets Nikola’s hydrogen semi truck

Walmart Canada has become the first major retailer in North America to get a hydrogen fuel cell-powered semi truck. The truck, a Nikola HFCEV Class 8, has a range of nearly 500 miles and will avoid about 100 metric tons of CO2 emissions annually when compared to a traditional semi truck. Reutersreported that major retailers including Walmart and Pepsi had been eyeing Tesla’s electric semi trucks, but became frustrated by delays and have started turning to Tesla’s rivals in the quest to curb emissions across their fleets.

Nikola Motor

5. Data centers in space? EU-funded study says it’s possible.

Data centers are becoming a climate problem. As demand for artificial intelligence grows, these centers are using up huge amounts of energy and putting emissions targets at risk. But what if we put the data centers in space? That’s the suggestion that emerged from a study from a European space company and funded by the EU. The research concluded that not only would putting data centers in space be more sustainable, it could be lucrative, producing a large return on investment. The data centers would be solar powered and would not need to be cooled by water. But the study also found that, in order for these data centers to have a real emissions impact, they’d need to be launched using a yet-to-be-developed “eco-launcher” that produces less carbon dioxide. The EU’s goal is to have this launcher up and running by 2035 and start putting data center “building blocks” into space in 2036.


Last Wednesday marked the first time in 469 days that global sea surface temperatures did not set a new daily record.

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Jessica Hullinger

Jessica Hullinger is a freelance writer and editor who likes to think deeply about climate science and sustainability. She previously served as Global Deputy Editor for The Week, and her writing has been featured in publications including Fast Company, Popular Science, and Fortune. Jessica is originally from Indiana but lives in London.

Electric Vehicles

AM Briefing: EV Sales in Focus

On car trends, Cali’s power outages, and Google’s emissions

What to Make of Q2 EV Sales
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Current conditions: Hurricane Beryl could bring up to 9 feet of storm surge to Jamaica • Northeastern India, already flooded, is expecting more rain • Last month beat June 2023 as the hottest June ever recorded.


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