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10 Regions Where the DOE Wants to Boost Power Transmission​

On electric corridors, carbon removal, and infectious diseases

10 Regions Where the DOE Wants to Boost Power Transmission​
Heatmap Illustration/Getty Images

Current conditions: Severe overnight storms in Central states killed at least three people • London is gearing up for a “mini heat wave” • Residents in California’s San Bernardino County are being told to stay away from Silverwood Lake due to a toxic algal bloom.


1. DOE proposes 10 electric transmission corridors

The Department of Energy yesterday announced the 10 “corridors” where new power transmission infrastructure could be expanded quickly in order to bolster the U.S. electrical grid. The potential National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (or NIETCs) have been identified by the DOE as areas where “consumers are harmed, now or in the future, by a lack of transmission,” and new transmission projects could improve grid reliability and reduce costs for locals. Federal funds and special permitting options will be available to help build them out quickly.


The 10 corridors range from 12 miles to 780 miles in length. The public will have 45 days to have their say on the proposals, and then the DOE will narrow the list further. “In order to reach our clean energy and climate goals, we’ve got to build out transmission as fast as possible to get clean power from where it's produced to where it’s needed,” said John Podesta, senior advisor to the president for international climate policy. “The Biden-Harris administration is committed to using every tool at our disposal to accelerate progress on transmission permitting and financing and build a clean energy future.”

2. Climeworks opens new direct air capture plant

In case you missed it: Climeworks opened its newest commercial direct air capture plant yesterday. The Iceland-based facility, named Mammoth, is not yet operating at full capacity, with only 12 of its planned 72 capturing and filtering units installed. When the plant is fully operational — which Climeworks says should be sometime next year — it will pull up to 36,000 metric tons of CO2 out of the atmosphere annually. For scale, that’s about 1/28,000th of a gigaton. To get to net zero emissions, we’ll have to remove multiple gigatons of carbon from the atmosphere every year. “So in the context of where we need to go, Mammoth is almost nothing,” wrote Heatmap’s new climate tech reporter Katie Brigham. “But in the context of our current reality, it’s nine times the size of the next largest DAC facility: another Iceland-based Climeworks plant called Orca. And it’s a major stepping stone towards the company’s ultimate goal of capturing a million metric tons of CO2 yearly by 2030 and a billion by 2050.”

3. Xprize unveils finalists in carbon removal competition

And speaking of carbon removal, the Elon Musk-backed Xprize yesterday unveiled a shortlist of 20 finalists in its $100 million global competition to discover and develop breakthroughs in the field. The list is broken up into categories: air, rocks, land, and ocean. U.S.-based finalists include:

  • Heirloom (uses limestone to absorb CO2)
  • Lithos Carbon (spreads basalt rock on farmland to induce “enhanced rock weathering”)
  • Vaulted Deep (stores organic waste underground)
  • Climate Robotics (developing mobile technology that converts crop residues into biochar)
  • Captura (pulls carbon out of the ocean so the ocean can … store more carbon)
  • Ebb (speeds up ocean alkalinity process to remove CO2)

What’s next? The companies will need to remove 1,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide over one year in order to move ahead in the competition. They’ll also have to prove scalability.

4. Flooded Brazil braces for more rain

The death toll from flooding in Brazil climbed to 100, and the rain is expected to continue through the weekend. Before-and-after satellite images show the extent of the disaster. Here is a crude screenshot from Google Earth, showing Porto Alegre in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, prior to the floods, followed by an image of roughly the same region, captured by Copernicus, that speaks for itself:

Google Earth

European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery

5. Study links human-caused climate change to rising risk of diseases

Human activity is rapidly changing the natural environment, and this is fueling the rise of dangerous diseases, according to a new study published in the journal Nature. The research pulls together findings from nearly 1,000 previous studies on environmental damage to paint a more complete picture of how humanity’s disruption to nature is enabling the spread of pathogens – for humans, yes, but also for animals and plants. It concludes that biodiversity loss, toxic chemicals, the introduction of invasive species, and of course, human-caused climate change, are all associated with “increases in disease-related end points or harm.” Biodiversity loss was found to be particularly dangerous, because it likely drives pathogens to evolve to target new and more abundant hosts.

One biologist who wasn’t involved in the research called it “one of the strongest pieces of evidence that I think has been published that shows how important it is health systems start getting ready to exist in a world with climate change, with biodiversity loss.”


Florida is likely to make it illegal to release balloons into the air outdoors.

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Jessica Hullinger

Jessica Hullinger is a freelance writer and editor who likes to think deeply about climate science and sustainability. She previously served as Global Deputy Editor for The Week, and her writing has been featured in publications including Fast Company, Popular Science, and Fortune. Jessica is originally from Indiana but lives in London.


AM Briefing: North America Ablaze

On the Park Fire, coastal climate resilience, and flight delays

Wildfire Season Is Already Devastating North America
Heatmap Illustration/Getty Images

Current conditions: Eastern Bolivia declared an extreme weather state of emergency through the end of the year • The Chinese province of Fujian has recorded 1.6 feet of rain since Wednesday • Rain in Paris is threatening to make for a soggy Olympics opening ceremony.


1. Huge wildfires burn in Canada, California, Oregon

Massive wildfires are burning in western states and in Canada, sending plumes of smoke fanning out across the U.S. Triple-digit heat has fueled the fire conditions, but some cooler weather is expected over the weekend.

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Trump Is Onto Something About the Green New Deal

It’s the law in everything but name.

Biden pointing at the Earth.
Illustration by Simon Abranowicz

“They’ve spent trillions of dollars on things having to do with the Green New Scam. It’s a scam,” said Donald Trump in his recent convention speech. His running mate J.D. Vance echoed the sentiment, saying in his speech that the country needs “a leader who rejects Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s Green New Scam.”

To get the reference, you would have had to understand that they were talking about the Green New Deal — which most Americans probably recall dimly, if at all — and have some sense of both what was in it and why you shouldn’t like it. Neither Trump nor Vance explained or elaborated; it was one of many attacks at the Republican convention that brought cheers from the delegates but were likely all but incomprehensible to voters who aren’t deeply versed in conservative memes and boogeymen.

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A person in a tie.
Illustration by Simon Abranowicz

Plenty has changed in the race for the U.S. presidency over the past week. One thing that hasn’t: Gobs of public and private funding for climate tech are still on the line. If Republicans regain the White House and Senate, tax credits and other programs in the Inflation Reduction Act will become an easy target for legislators looking to burnish their cost-cutting (and lib-owning) reputations. The effects of key provisions getting either completely tossed or seriously amended would assuredly ripple out to the private sector.

You would think the possible impending loss of a huge source of funding for clean technologies would make venture capitalists worry about the future of their business model. And indeed, they are worried — at least in theory. None of the clean tech investors I’ve spoken with over the past few weeks told me that a Republican administration would affect the way their firm invests — not Lowercarbon Capital, not Breakthrough Energy Ventures, not Khosla Ventures, or any of the VCs with uplifting verbs: Galvanize Climate Solutions, Generate Capital, and Energize Capital.

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