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Electric Vehicles

Biden’s Plan to Jumpstart Offshore Wind

On the new auction schedule, Tesla earnings, and the Mercedes G-Class EV

Biden’s Plan to Jumpstart Offshore Wind
Heatmap Illustration/Getty Images

Current conditions: A Saharan dust storm turned skies red in Greece • More heavy rain is expected in China’s flooded Guangdong province • Red Flag fire weather warnings are in place across much of New Mexico.


1. Key takeaways from Tesla’s quarterly earnings report

Tesla reported first quarter earnings yesterday. The electric car company’s profits fell 55%, and revenue fell 9%. But shares rose more than 10% in after-hours trading following the shareholder update and earnings call. Here are a few things we learned from the report:

  • CEO Elon Musk said Tesla “should be thought of as an AI/robotics company,” and that “if you value Tesla as an auto company, that’s the wrong framework.”
  • Plans for a sub-$30,000 EV haven’t been entirely scrapped, as previously reported. The company said it will “accelerate” the launch of new and more affordable models, but indicated “that any new, cheaper vehicle would not necessarily be entirely new nor unlock massive new savings through an all-new production process,” wrote Heatmap’s Matthew Zeitlin. The robotaxi, however, will rely on a new platform.
  • Tesla’s energy business is growing faster than its car business. The company deployed just over 4 gigawatts of energy storage in the first quarter of the year, and its energy revenue was up 7% from a year ago. Profits from the business more than doubled.
  • Musk still wants to sell a “general purpose, bi-pedal, humanoid robot,” and said the Optimus robot would be in “limited production” in a factory doing “useful tasks” by the end of this year.

2. Biden administration plans to hold up to a dozen offshore wind auctions by 2028

The Interior Department today announced that it will hold up to 12 offshore wind auctions through 2028, with four of those auctions happening by the end of 2024. President Biden has a goal of 30 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity by 2030, but the industry has been blown off course thanks to inflation and disrupted supply chains. The Interior Department has held four offshore wind auctions so far during Biden’s presidency. The new schedule is an attempt to “jump-start the fledgling offshore wind sector” by expanding development potential, reportedBloomberg. “Our offshore wind leasing schedule will provide predictability to help developers and communities plan ahead and will provide the confidence needed to continue building on the tremendous offshore wind supply chain and manufacturing investments that we've already seen,” Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said in a statement.

3. Poll: Few climate-concerned voters know about Biden’s climate policies

In the last month alone, $37 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act has gone toward climate projects. That amount “exceeds what the recent foreign aid bill will give to Israel, Taiwan, and humanitarian aid in Gaza, combined,” reported Heatmap’s Robinson Meyer. As the election approaches, the Biden administration is spending funds from the IRA much faster than it was last year. But it seems President Biden’s climate investments and emission-slashing initiatives aren’t getting through to Americans. A CBS News/YouGov poll out this week found that even the Americans who are most concerned about climate change are unlikely to be aware of the administration’s efforts to combat it. About 45% of respondents said climate change is a very important issue, but just 10% of those said they had heard or read “a lot” about Biden’s climate policies. And 42% said the administration hadn’t done enough on the issue.

More than half of respondents said the outcome of the November election would have no effect on climate change. A recent analysis from Carbon Brief found that a second Trump presidency would likely cause the U.S. to miss its 2030 climate pledges, could lead to an additional 4 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, and result in more than $900 billion in damages. “A second Trump term that successfully dismantles Biden’s climate legacy would likely end any global hopes of keeping global warming below 1.5 [degrees Celsius],” the report said.

4. Global plastic treaty talks start in Canada

Negotiations on a global plastics treaty kicked off yesterday in Ottawa, Canada. The UN-led session is the second-to-last meeting before the treaty on reducing plastic pollution has to be finalized later this year, so the stakes are high, as are tensions between oil-producing nations and other countries that want to see plastic production dramatically reduced. The negotiations run through April 29.

5. Mercedes shows off new electric G-Class SUV

Mercedes unveiled the new all-electric version of its luxury G-Class offroader yesterday. The G-Class is “in many ways, Mercedes’ most prestigious car,” said Tim Evans at TechCrunch, so making an electric version is “the biggest test yet for the company’s recently scaled back electrification plans.”


The Mercedes-Benz G 580 with EQ technology (critics hate the name, by the way) can do a tank turn, and has one motor for each wheel, offering serious control for offroading. And it has a fake engine noise, the “G-Roar.” It’s also just a beautiful vehicle that seems to stay true to its design roots. The range, at about 293 miles, is relatively low but the sticker price, at about $150,000, is very high. It’ll be on sale in the U.S. in the second half of 2024. Here are some early reactions:

  • “The electric G-Class sounds like an impressive package, enough to woo any true fan of performance away from the models with internal combustion.” –Tim Stevens at TechCrunch.
  • “Is it a car the world needs? Probably not. But that’s never stopped the G – in any of its army or AMG forms – being one of the enduring off-road icons.” –Ollie Kew at Top Gear.
  • “This is a car that has been defined in many ways by excess, with the gas version getting just 14 miles per gallon. And yet here it is, in electric trim, with a huge battery (but not out of line with other huge EVs), beating the gas version’s performance both on- and off-road.” –Jameson Dow at Electrek.


America’s first commercial big-rig hydrogen fuel station opened this week in Oakland, California.

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Jessica Hullinger

Jessica Hullinger is a freelance writer and editor who likes to think deeply about climate science and sustainability. She previously served as Global Deputy Editor for The Week, and her writing has been featured in publications including Fast Company, Popular Science, and Fortune. Jessica is originally from Indiana but lives in London.


Trump’s Suspicious Pivot on EVs

Elon Musk pledged a huge campaign donation. Also, Trump is suddenly cool with electric vehicles.

Trump’s Suspicious Pivot on EVs

When former President Donald Trump addressed a crowd of non-union autoworkers in Clinton Township, Michigan, last fall, he came with a dire warning: “You’re going to lose your beautiful way of life.” President Biden’s electric vehicle transition, Trump claimed, would be “a transition to hell.”

Nearly 10 months later, Trump seems to have warmed up considerably to the idea of that hell. Despite denouncing the electric vehicle transition at countless interim rallies as a woke and all-but-certain “bloodbath” for American automakers and making endless jokes about range (including, admittedly, the banger: “The happiest moment for somebody in an electric car is the first 10 minutes … The unhappiest part is the next hour because you’re petrified that you’re not going to be finding another charger”), Trump’s tone on EVs has considerably softened in the past several weeks.

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Heat Records Don’t Stand a Chance

The week in heat, July 22-28.

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While the Northeast might start breathing more easily this week, the heat will intensify again in the West. Keep reading to discover what sweltering lies in store.

The Pacific Northwest takes its turn in the hot seat

The weekend brough intense heat to the Northwest, with many cities inching close to their all-time temperature records. While the potential for record-breaking heat is set to decrease throughout the week, temperatures in the region will remain above average, Bob Oravec, lead forecaster with the National Weather Service, told me. Cities like Spokane, Washington and Boise, Idaho will continue to see triple-digit temperatures until at least Wednesday. In fact, on Thursday, Boise might see its 10th day in a row above 100 degrees, breaking the city’s record.

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Why Climate World Loves Kamala

They’re looking at her record and they like what they see.

Kamala Harris.
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Kamala Harris quickly rang up endorsements from Democratic elected officials and convention delegates Sunday afternoon after President Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign, making Vice President Harris the likeliest Democratic nominee for the presidency of the United States. Many of these plaudits came from figures in the climate policy space, but few were quite as vociferous as the one from Gina McCarthy, a director of the Environmental Protection Agency under President Obama and White House climate advisor under Biden.

“Vice President Harris would kick ass against Trump,” she said in a statement. “She has spent her whole life committed to justice, fighting for the underdog, and making sure that no one is above the law. She will fight every day for all Americans to have access to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment.”

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