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California Burns, Japan Swoons

The week in heat, July 29-August 4.

People at a beach.
Heatmap Illustration/Getty Images

For those looking forward to bidding good riddance to a hot July, I have some bad news for you: Get ready for hot August..

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If you thought it couldn’t possibly get hotter than July — the month that set a new record for warmest day ever — think again. Forecasters predict August will be just as extreme — and that those records won’t last long.

“It is something that can't be ruled out, especially over the next week as we deal with the typical peak of summer,” Tyler Roys, senior meteorologist at AccuWeather, told me.

According to Roys, the melting glaciers around the Arctic in particular have contributed to the intense heat this summer. As bright glaciers give way to darker land, the Earth absorbs more heat, trapping that energy within the atmosphere instead of bouncing it back out into space.

“The more areas that are dealing with above the historical average for temperatures, the more likely you are to see the global temperature average record be set,” Roys explained. “For some areas that have seen prolonged heat this summer, especially in the West in the United States and across southeastern Europe, the heat can create a nasty feedback loop that is extremely hard to break.”

In a well-timed announcement, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres released a call to action last week for countries to respond to extreme heat by investing in low-carbon cooling systems, worker protections, and improved heat-related mortality data, beyond a focus on phasing out fossil fuels. “Climate change is delivering a hotter and more dangerous world for all of us. And we are not prepared,” the report reads.

  • Looking Ahead: “Our expectation is August will be another hot month over much of the country, especially from interior California and Nevada, northward to Idaho, with temperatures potentially several degrees above historical average,” Bob Larson, senior meteorologist AccuWeather, told me. The Great Lakes region can also expect some hot weather next month.

California races to contain its biggest fire yet this year

A wildfire that started in Northern California on Wednesday has grown into one of the largest in the state’s recent history. The Park Fire prompted evacuations in parts of Butte and Tehama county. Since then, Plumas and Shasta counties have also been affected by evacuations. As of this morning, more than 360,000 acres had burned, and only 12% of the fire had been contained. Almost 5,000 personnel and 33 helicopters are currently attempting to put out the fire.

Climate scientist Daniel Swain of the University of California, Los Angeles called the fire’s behavior “extraordinary” in a Thursday live briefing. In less than 24 hours, the fire had scorched through 40 to 50 miles of land. “California, until very recently, was not really at the epicenter” of wildfire activity this summer, Swain said. The Park Fire has just changed the game.

Another concern is smoke traveling to other states. In Nevada, which will see minor to moderate extreme heat risk this week, the smoke might impact air quality and visibility. On the other hand, the smoke could also lower temperatures by blocking sunlight. Las Vegas could hit up to 110 degrees on Thursday and Friday — which, while scorching, is still lower than recent temperatures in the city.

  • Looking Ahead: California will continue to be at high risk for dangerous wildfires. “With temperatures expected to continue to run above historical averages, and rainfall below historical averages the rest of the summer, the fire season can last into the start of autumn,” Larson told me. But the Northwest, which has also dealt with its fair share of wildfires this summer, might have moved past some of the worst.

Heat to move to the Midwest, also affecting parts of the Southeast

Those in the Midwest and eastern Southwest can prepare for an especially sweaty week. Oklahoma, New Mexico, and northern Texas can expect the worst of it until Wednesday, when the heat will move east into Mississippi. Kansas could see temperatures ranging from 100 to 109 degrees on Wednesday, according to Brian Berg, a meteorologist in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Kansas office meteorologist. Wichita could come close to breaking its record of 109 degrees, set in 1934.

On Friday, the heat will be concentrated in the Southeast, but the heat risk will also go back to increasing in the Pacific Northwest.

Japan’s aging population suffers in the heat

Cities across Japan can expect temperatures above 100 degrees to persist this week. The number of heat strokes in Japan has been growing consistently since 1995, The Guardianreported, and the country’s meteorological agency has warned that this year’s summer temperatures might be even higher than in 2023 — Japan’s hottest summer on record. The data is particularly concerning considering Japan’s large senior population. As of last year, almost 30% of the country’s population is over 65 years old — the group is more vulnerable to heat illnesses and other health complications brought by extreme temperatures.

Iran shuts down under heat wave

Iran was forced to shut down government offices and commercial institutions on Sunday due to extreme temperatures. Over 200 people were hospitalized due to heat strokes. The day before, the government had cut working hours short in its agencies. In Tehran, temperatures went up to 107 degrees, but other provinces in the country saw up to 121 degrees. On Tuesday, Iran’s total energy consumption reached 78,106 megawatts, a record, and the closures were intended to conserve energy in addition to protecting workers. While some clouds and rain are expected today, temperatures will continue at extreme levels.

Not everything is hell. Here are a couple sweet snapshots to cool off by:

  • Overheated squirrels can relax in a brand-new, hand-crafted spa in Texas. Breyana Elwell has spent some of the hottest days in the state providing snacks, fans, and more amenities to squirrels near her property. “It’s something we’ve committed to, and the animals are here for it,” she told The Washington Post.
  • Strolling through a farmer’s market is a big commitment during a heat wave — especially if you are covered in fur. Two Golden Retrievers in Colorado cooled off by lounging on a pile of ice, making the day of every sweaty customer a little better.

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A very large Ford F-150 Lightning.
Heatmap Illustration/Ford, Tesla, Getty Images

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We Just Lived Through the Hottest Summer Ever
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Superior, Arizona.
Heatmap Illustration/Jeva Lange, Library of Congress

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