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Will Climate Get a SOTU Shout Out?

On Biden’s big speech, February warmth, and Ikea’s EV chargers

Will Climate Get a SOTU Shout Out?
Heatmap Illustration/Getty Images

Current conditions: Red flag fire warnings are in place across West Texas • Heavy rainfall caused extreme flooding in parts of West Java • Tourists in Morocco are disappointed to find the country’s public baths have been closed three days a week due to severe drought.


1. Biden urged to highlight climate wins in SOTU

Happy State of the Union day! President Biden will address Congress this evening, just as election season gets going in earnest, and some in his party are urging him to use the opportunity to make a Very Big Deal of his progress in the clean energy transition, reportedE&E News. “We have a great story to tell,” Environment and Public Works Chair Tom Carper (D-Del.) said. “He has to tell it. We have to tell it. Eventually it will break through.” Some recent polls suggest that most Americans aren’t aware of Biden’s signature climate law, the Inflation Reduction Act, and may consider Biden’s likely rival, former President Donald Trump, to be best positioned on issues like energy and economy. “Climate voters could make or break Joe Biden in 2024,” Nathaniel Stinnett, executive director of the nonprofit Environmental Voter Project, told The New York Times. The Natural Resources Defense Council said the speech is “a chance for Biden to rally the nation around the climate progress of the past three years and show the way to build on those gains going forward.” Will he make the most of it? TBD.

2. New SEC climate disclosure rules blasted as both too harsh and too weak

As expected, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved a rule yesterday that will require companies to disclose information about their climate-related risks to investors. But the final rule differs dramatically from the proposal the Commission released two years ago, explained Heatmap’s Emily Pontecorvo, with significantly weaker provisions that leave it up to companies to decide how much information to share. Most of the climate-related disclosures the rule covers are now mandatory only if they’re considered “material.” Further, only about 40% of domestic public companies will even be required to consider whether their emissions are material. Smaller companies and emerging growth businesses — generally companies with less than $1.2 billion in annual revenues — are exempt.

Though the final rules are weaker than the original draft, they’re still too stringent for some. At least 10 Republican-led states are suing the SEC, accusing the Biden administration of playing “puppeteer” in using states to further a climate agenda. Meanwhile the Sierra Club environmental group might sue the SEC because it thinks the rules aren’t strict enough. An SEC spokesperson said the agency will “vigorously defend” the rules in court.

Also yesterday, 25 states, along with industry groups, filed three lawsuits against the Environmental Protection Agency for its recent crackdown on soot pollution.

3. February warmth breaks records

Last month was the warmest February ever recorded, the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service said today. This marks the 9th record-breaking month in a row, and the effects were felt world wide. Temperatures in Europe, for example, were 5.9 degrees Fahrenheit above averages seen between 1991 and 2020. But even more startling was the ocean temperature, which was higher last month than it was last August.

Copernicus Climate Change Service/ECMWF

“Sea surface temperatures are at record levels over regions far away from the centre of the El Niño action, such as the tropical Atlantic and Indian Ocean,” said climate scientist Richard Allan of the University of Reading, suggesting climate change was playing a big part in heating the ocean heat.

4. Strong global gusts could set new wind-power records

Wind speeds in China, Europe, and the U.S. are expected to hit seasonal peaks in the coming weeks, which could result in record wind-power output, Reutersreported. In both the U.S. and China, last year’s spring wind power hit new highs in terms of share of total electricity generation. In the months since, both countries have added more wind generation capacity, which means new records are likely. Wind’s share of global electricity generation peaked at 9.59% in November of last year, and could jump beyond 10% “easily” in 2024, Reuters said.

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  • 5. Report: 1% of retail locations offer EV charging

    Consumer Reports examined 270,000 retail and fast-food locations across the country and found just 1% of them offer EV charging. The report looked at 75 of the largest retailers, including Target, Walmart, Trader Joe’s, and 7-Eleven and found that charging is available on average at 1 out of every 14 big box store locations, 1 out of every 15 grocery stores, and 1 out of every 40 department stores. “These results show that there is no retail category where a driver can be confident that an EV charger will be available,” the report concludes. This is despite the fact that installing EV chargers has been shown to increase both foot traffic and revenue for retail shops. Here’s a look at how charging availability breaks down by big box brands:

    Consumer Reports


    A new FEMA-backed video game called “Disaster Mind” is teaching teenagers how to stay calm during extreme weather events.

    Jessica  Hullinger profile image

    Jessica Hullinger

    Jessica Hullinger is a freelance writer and editor who likes to think deeply about climate science and sustainability. She previously served as Global Deputy Editor for The Week, and her writing has been featured in publications including Fast Company, Popular Science, and Fortune. Jessica is originally from Indiana but lives in London.


    Why Climate World Loves Kamala

    They’re looking at her record and they like what they see.

    Kamala Harris.
    Heatmap Illustration/Getty Images

    Kamala Harris quickly rang up endorsements from Democratic elected officials and convention delegates Sunday afternoon after President Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign, making Vice President Harris the likeliest Democratic nominee for the presidency of the United States. Many of these plaudits came from figures in the climate policy space, but few were quite as vociferous as the one from Gina McCarthy, former director of the Environmental Protection Agency and current White House climate advisor.

    “Vice President Harris would kick ass against Trump,” she said in a statement. “She has spent her whole life committed to justice, fighting for the underdog, and making sure that no one is above the law. She will fight every day for all Americans to have access to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment.”

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    Examining Kamala Harris’ Climate Credentials
    Heatmap Illustration/Getty Images

    Current conditions: England’s wet and cold summer has been linked to a concerning decline in insect populations • At least 11 people died in northern China after torrential rain caused a bridge to collapse • The West Coast’s record-breaking heat wave will last at least through Wednesday.


    1. A quick look at Kamala Harris’ climate record

    President Biden announced yesterday he will not run for re-election and endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris, for the 2024 Democratic ticket. Tributes from his colleagues poured in quickly, with many hailing Biden’s decision as brave and patriotic, and others recounting his accomplishments during three-and-a-half years in office, including his climate record. “Biden will leave office with easily the strongest climate record of any president — and one of the stronger environmental records, generally, in decades,” wrote Heatmap’s Robinson Meyer. Biden signed the largest investment in clean energy and decarbonization in American history, oversaw a revitalization of American industrial strategy, passed the bipartisan infrastructure law and CHIPS and Science Act (both of which funded or expanded climate-friendly programs), and moved quickly to regulate greenhouse gas emissions using executive authority. “Democrats had tried and failed for 30 years to pass a climate law through the Senate,” Meyer said. “Biden succeeded.”

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    President Biden.
    Heatmap Illustration/Getty Images

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    Democrats had tried and failed for 30 years to pass a climate law through the Senate. Biden succeeded.

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