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Electric Vehicles

How Long Can an Electric Car Just Sit There?

On the ins and outs of parking an EV for months on end

An EV and spiderwebs.
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Cars are meant to be driven. When a typical vehicle sits unused for weeks or months on end, it begins to atrophy in all sorts of ways. Tires slowly lose their air pressure. Car batteries lose charge and might eventually need a jump-start. Oil and other fluids lose their ability to lubricate when they get stale, while gasoline starts to go bad after about a month. Eventually, nature tries to reclaim a vehicle via pest infestation, accumulating bird poop, or meteorological act of God.

This collection of potential misfortune is why collectors make sure to turn on their barely-driven cars every once in a while. It’s why you might ask your friend to drive your car around the block a couple of times a month when you plan to go away for a long stretch.

Are the rules still the same in the era of electric vehicles? Although EVs have neither an engine nor many of the fluids and parts that come with a gas-burning car, it turns out that electric vehicles don’t do well sitting still for long periods of time, either. The technology under the hood is radically different, but the underlying truth is the same: It’s best not to let the car sit undriven for too long.

Electric cars have one untouchable advantage when it comes to long-term storage: You can just leave them plugged in. If you can do this — even by running a ridiculously long extension cord from a standard outlet — then the car will use this trickle of juice to maintain its battery health and keep its systems ship-shape.

If you can’t leave your car plugged in, though, the first thing to worry about is the EV’s main battery going dead. The giant lithium-ion units in today’s electric cars are really good at retaining charge, but they’re not perfect: An EV sitting still will lose a little bit of juice at a slow, steady rate, perhaps a couple of percentage points over the course of a month. You don’t want to leave your car with barely any charge and return from a trip to find out you killed its battery, especially when letting the unit hit zero could potentially damage it.

This concern is enough to make me fill up my EV to at least half before a flying vacation — that way I don’t have to nervously open the Tesla app to check how many miles are left on the car. But as long as you exercise a modicum of common sense, that shouldn’t be enough to get you in trouble. An electric vehicle with at least 50 percent charge could go many, many months before its charge rate dropped to a worrying level. General Motors tells Heatmap that for its current slate of EVs powered by Ultium batteries, it recommends having at least 30 percent charge on the battery before putting the car into long-term storage.

However, an EV’s main battery isn’t its only one. Before electric vehicles went mainstream, the term “car battery” meant the 12-volt box you’d see for sale at Auto Zone or under the hood of any normal vehicle — the one with the two posts where you’d hook on jumper cables. EVs have these smaller batteries, too. They’re there to handle low-power applications such as the doors and windows in case the main battery dies, and they’re one of the principal worries when it comes to leaving an EV sitting still.

Just like with a gas car, the 12-volt battery in an EV doesn’t like to sit dormant while you take a months-long vacation overseas. GM says the car will monitor the health of both batteries and use energy from the big one to keep the small one from dying — up to a point. If the high-voltage battery gets too low, it stops supporting the 12-volt.

It is possible to disconnect the 12-volt battery if you have the electrical know-how, but your car’s user manual will probably tell you not to. Instead, GM recommends that before you store the Chevy Bolt for a long stretch, you attach a trickle charger to the positive and negative poles of the battery under the hood. The trickle charger is a longstanding gadget that can be used to revive a dead car battery, or, in this case, to prevent it from dying while you’re taking the train across Europe. With it attached, the little battery doesn’t need to steal juice from the big one.

Think, too, about where you’re leaving that EV sitting around. Batteries don’t like extreme temperatures, and bitter cold or insufferable heat could not only sap battery life but also potentially damage the unit. Like traditional cars, EVs are safer stored inside a garage if possible — not sitting around the front yard like a project car.

And one more thing before you leave town: Don’t forget to hide the key fob at least 10 feet away from the car, GM says, lest you accidentally leave the vehicle unlocked.


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What Started the Fires in Los Angeles?

Plus 3 more outstanding questions about this ongoing emergency.

Los Angeles.
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As Los Angeles continued to battle multiple big blazes ripping through some of the most beloved (and expensive) areas of the city on Thursday, a question lingered in the background: What caused the fires in the first place?

Though fires are less common in California during this time of the year, they aren’t unheard of. In early December 2017, power lines sparked the Thomas Fire near Ventura, California, which burned through to mid-January. At the time it was the largest fire in the state since at least the 1930s. Now it’s the ninth-largest. Although that fire was in a more rural area, it ignited for many of the same reasons we’re seeing fires this week.

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Fox News Goes After a Solar Farm

And more of this week’s top renewable energy fights across the country.

Map of U.S. renewable energy.
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1. Otsego County, Michigan – The Mitten State is proving just how hard it can be to build a solar project in wooded areas. Especially once Fox News gets involved.

  • Last week, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources said it wanted to lease more than 400 acres of undeveloped state-owned forestland for part of a much larger RWE Clean Energy solar project near the northern Michigan town of Gaylord.
  • Officials said they were approached by the company about the land. But the news sparked an immediate outcry, as state elected Republicans – and some Democrats – demanded to know why a forest would be cleared for ‘green’ energy. Some called for government firings.
  • Then came the national news coverage. On Friday, Fox News hosted a full four-minute segment focused on this one solar farm featuring iconoclastic activist Michael Shellenberger.
  • A few days later, RWE told the media it would not develop the project on state lands.
  • “[D]uring the development process, we conducted outreach to all landowners adjacent to the project location, including the Michigan Department of Natural Resources,” the company said in a statement to the Petoskey News-Review, adding it instead decided to move forward with leasing property from two private landowners.

2. Atlantic County, New Jersey – Opponents of offshore wind in Atlantic City are trying to undo an ordinance allowing construction of transmission cables that would connect the Atlantic Shores offshore wind project to the grid.

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Policy Watch

How to Solve a Problem Like a Wind Ban

And more of this week’s top policy news around renewables.

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1. Trump’s Big Promise – Our nation’s incoming president is now saying he’ll ban all wind projects on Day 1, an expansion of his previous promise to stop only offshore wind.

  • “They litter our country like paper, like dropping garbage in a field,” Trump said at a press conference Tuesday. “We’re going to try and have a policy where no windmills are built.”
  • Is this possible? It would be quite tricky, as the president only has control over the usage of federal lands and waters. While offshore wind falls entirely under the president’s purview, many onshore wind projects themselves fall entirely on state lands.
  • This is where the whole “wind kills birds” argument becomes important. Nearly all wind projects have at least some federal nexus because of wildlife protection laws, such as the Endangered Species Act and Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
  • Then there are the cables connecting these projects to the grid and interstate transmission projects that may require approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
  • I’m personally doubtful he will actually stop all wind in the U.S., though I do think offshore wind in its entirety is at risk (which I’ve written about). Trump has a habit of conflating things, and in classic fashion, he only spoke at the press conference about offshore wind projects. I think he was only referring to offshore wind, though I’m willing to eat my words.

2. The Big Nuclear Lawsuit – Texas and Utah are suing to kill the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s authority to license small modular reactors.

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