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A Trade Storm Is Brewing in Dubai

Led by Brazil, manufacturing powerhouses have taken their issue with the EU’s new carbon tariff to COP28.

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The European Union launched the first stage of its carbon border tax this fall, and the world’s biggest emerging economies aren’t happy.

As of October 1, the EU regulation officially known as the “carbon border adjustment mechanism” requires importers to report the emissions associated with making steel, cement, fertilizers, and other carbon-intensive products. Those embedded emissions will then be subject to a targeted carbon tax starting in 2026.

The tariff isn’t merely punitive — rather, it’s intended to keep companies in the EU competitive with those in countries with lower or nonexistent carbon regulations. (The EU has capped internal carbon emissions since 2005.) But Brazil, China, India, and South Africa have all pushed back against the EU for raising trade barriers, calling the adjustment “discriminatory.”

Now, Brazil has brought those grievances to COP28. On behalf of the four countries, it pushed for language — seemingly authored by China — to be inserted into an early draft of the agenda-setting global stocktake that will be negotiated during the conference, Politicoreported.

The draft text “expresses serious concern” about policies like the EU’s tariff, “which are not aligned with the principles of the Paris Agreement, in particular equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, as well as [World Trade Organization] rules.” Brazil’s submission argues that such “unilateral” measures “seriously undermine multilateral cooperation and the ability of the concerned countries to combat climate change.”

In fact, top WTO officials have voiced support in the past for rules that address “carbon leakage” and have said they’re trying to overcome international differences on carbon pricing, according to an earlier Politico report.

Rebeca Grynspan, secretary general of the United Nations conference on trade and development, spoke up for emerging economies at COP28, explaining at an event that they see green trade barriers like the EU’s as “protectionist” and as “an obstacle for their development,” according to Agence France-Presse. Ajay Banga, president of the World Bank, also warned in Dubai of “unintended consequences” from regulating trade.

European negotiators, for their part, don’t seem too worried. “We don’t expect them to derail the conversations, mostly because I don’t think any party expects this to be a forum for a discussion” on trade, EU representative Jacob Werksman told reporters. “There’s a whole other institution for that. That’s the World Trade Organization.”

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Nicole Pollack

Nicole Pollack is a freelance environmental journalist who writes about energy, agriculture, and climate change. She is based in Northeast Ohio.


Why the Vineyard Wind Blade Broke

Plus answers to other pressing questions about the offshore wind project.

A broken wind turbine.
Illustration by Simon Abranowicz

The blade that snapped off an offshore turbine at the Vineyard Wind project in Massachusetts on July 13 broke due to a manufacturing defect, according to GE Vernova, the turbine maker and installer.

During GE’s second quarter earnings call on Wednesday, CEO Scott Strazik and Vice President of Investor Relations Michael Lapides said there was no indication of a design flaw in the blade. Rather, the company has identified a “material deviation” at one of its factories in Gaspé, Canada. (Strazik provided more color in an interview with Bloomberg, noting that the blade had “insufficient bonding.”)

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Trump’s Suspicious Pivot on EVs

Elon Musk pledged a huge campaign donation. Also, Trump is suddenly cool with electric vehicles.

Trump’s Suspicious Pivot on EVs

Update, July 24:Elon Musk told Jordan Peterson in an interview Monday evening that “I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump,” adding that he does not belong to the former president’s “cult of personality.” Musk acknowledged, however, that helped create America PAC to promote “meritocracy and individual freedom,” and that it would support Trump while also not being “hyperpartisan.”

When former President Donald Trump addressed a crowd of non-union autoworkers in Clinton Township, Michigan, last fall, he came with a dire warning: “You’re going to lose your beautiful way of life.” President Biden’s electric vehicle transition, Trump claimed, would be “a transition to hell.”

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Wind Is More Powerful Than J. D. Vance Seems to Think

Just one turbine can charge hundreds of cell phones.

J.D. Vance.
Heatmap Illustration/Getty Images

It’s a good thing most of us aren’t accountable for every single silly thing we’ve ever said, but most of us are not vice presidential running mates, either. Back in 2022, when J.D. Vance was still just a “New York Times bestselling author” and not yet a “junior senator from Ohio,” much less “second-in-line to a former president who will turn 80 in office if he’s reelected,” he made a climate oopsie that — now that it’s recirculating — deserves to be addressed.

If Democrats “care so much about climate change,” Vance argued during an Ohio Republican senator candidate forum during that year, “and they think climate change is caused by carbon emissions, then why is their solution to scream about it at the top of their lungs, send a bunch of our jobs to China, and then manufacture these ridiculous ugly windmills all over Ohio farms that don’t produce enough electricity to run a cell phone?”

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