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Policy Watch

How to Solve a Problem Like a Wind Ban

And more of this week’s top policy news around renewables.

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1. Trump’s Big Promise – Our nation’s incoming president is now saying he’ll ban all wind projects on Day 1, an expansion of his previous promise to stop only offshore wind.

  • “They litter our country like paper, like dropping garbage in a field,” Trump said at a press conference Tuesday. “We’re going to try and have a policy where no windmills are built.”
  • Is this possible? It would be quite tricky, as the president only has control over the usage of federal lands and waters. While offshore wind falls entirely under the president’s purview, many onshore wind projects themselves fall entirely on state lands.
  • This is where the whole “wind kills birds” argument becomes important. Nearly all wind projects have at least some federal nexus because of wildlife protection laws, such as the Endangered Species Act and Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
  • Then there are the cables connecting these projects to the grid and interstate transmission projects that may require approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
  • I’m personally doubtful he will actually stop all wind in the U.S., though I do think offshore wind in its entirety is at risk (which I’ve written about). Trump has a habit of conflating things, and in classic fashion, he only spoke at the press conference about offshore wind projects. I think he was only referring to offshore wind, though I’m willing to eat my words.

2. The Big Nuclear Lawsuit – Texas and Utah are suing to kill the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s authority to license small modular reactors.

  • If successful, it would totally neuter permitting powers in this sector, letting developers and manufacturers avoid a lengthy federal approval process. SMR startup Last Energy is also involved in the lawsuit.
  • The lawsuit cites the Supreme Court’s recent decision to undo a longstanding principle in American regulatory law that courts should defer to agency experts when interpreting vague language in statute. As Heatmap’s Robinson Meyer explained when that ruling came down, this means judges themselves get to decide if a law explicitly gives an agency authority to do something.
  • The lawsuit argues the nation’s primary nuclear law, the Atomic Energy Act, did not give the NRC the discretion to regulate SMRs. “If Congress wanted the NRC to have plenary authority in this area it needed to speak clearly. Instead, it has unambiguously indicated the opposite.”
  • I expect more of these lawsuits to come down the pike in the coming months, as the federal government under Trump will have the power to settle those cases and offer plaintiffs favorable deregulation through that process.

3. Biden’s parting words – The Biden administration has finished its long-awaited guidance for the IRA’s tech-neutral electricity credit (which barely changed) and hydrogen production credit.

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Trump Has Paralyzed Renewables Permitting, Leaked Memo Reveals

The American Clean Power Association wrote to its members about federal guidance that has been “widely variable and changing quickly.”

Donald Trump.
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Chaos within the Trump administration has all but paralyzed environmental permitting decisions on solar and wind projects in crucial government offices, including sign-offs needed for projects on private lands.

According to an internal memo issued by the American Clean Power Association, the renewables trade association that represents the largest U.S. solar and wind developers, Trump’s Day One executive order putting a 60-day freeze on final decisions for renewable energy projects on federal lands has also ground key pre-decisional work in government offices responsible for wetlands and species protection to a halt. Renewables developers and their representatives in Washington have pressed the government for answers, yet received inconsistent information on its approach to renewables permitting that varies between lower level regional offices.

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How the Renewable Energy Industry Is Processing Trump 2.0

A conversation with Carl Fleming of McDermott Will & Emery

Carl Fleming
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This week we’re talking to Carl Fleming, a renewables attorney with McDermott Will & Emery who was an advisor to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo under the Biden administration. We chatted the morning after the Trump administration attempted to freeze large swathes of federal spending. My goal? To understand whether this chaos and uncertainty was trickling down into the transition as we spoke. But Fleming had a sober perspective and an important piece of wisdom: stay calm and remain on course.

The following conversation has been lightly edited for clarity.

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Policy Watch

Chaos in the Climate Kingdom

This week’s top news in renewable energy policy.

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1. Freeze, don’t move – The Trump administration this week attempted to freeze essentially all discretionary grant programs in the federal government. A list we obtained showed this would halt major energy programs and somehow also involve targeting work on IRA tax credits.

  • Despite a court ruling that was supposed to lift the freeze, key climate programs – like the EPA’s Solar For All effort – remain reportedly on ice.
  • Our guts here at Heatmap tell us there’ll be a lot more news to come on this front. Stay tuned.

2. Sorry, California – The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management canceled public meetings on the environmental impact statement for offshore wind lease areas in California, indicating the Trump wind lease pause will also affect pre-approval activities.

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